How To Volunteer

How to Volunteer for Ohio River Sweep

The Ohio River Sweep is now a full season of supporting cleanup events from March through October. The new, flexible format provides the opportunity for groups to make a big impact on waterways in their community based on the timeline that works best for them. Participants choose the date and location of their cleanup and the Ohio River Sweep provides support and supplies to hold the event.

Interested in participating in a cleanup, but don’t have a group to plan one with? Click here to check out our map of events that will be updated as events are submitted.

Ohio River Sweeps must follow all local protocol regarding health and safety. In order to plan a River Sweep, coordinators will need to:

  1. Select a Date
  2. Select a Location (local parks are often great spots to clean!)
  3. Arrange Trash Disposal (call your local garbage service provider if you have more trash than you can safely carry out yourself)
  4. Recruit Volunteers
  5. Request Supplies
  6. Sign the Waiver
  7. Attend your River Sweep
  8. Send a post River Sweep Report

If you are interested in organizing a  River Sweep cleanup, contact us today!


Questions? Check out our informational Toolkit

Toolkit 2025