Volunteer Waiver

Jul 21, 2016 19:52

Volunteer Waiver

All volunteers for the Ohio River Sweep must complete the Volunteer Waiver form. Please submit your waiver to your event organizer and save a copy for your records. Online Form:…

May 20, 2024 17:15

Non-Point Source Pollution (NPS)

…lakes, groundwater, wetlands, and coastal waters. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that non-point source pollution is the leading remaining cause of water quality problems. Examples of non-point source pollution…

Aug 29, 2016 22:21

Congressional Caucus

…Liaison Jerry Schulte, ORSANCO Executive Director Peter Tennant, Congressman Steve Chabot (OH) and Commissoner Paul Tomes, Federal Commissioner Stu Bruny, U.S. Congressman Steve Driehaus (OH), and Commissioner Paul Tomes (OH)….

Sep 18, 2024 18:00

October 2024 Technical & Commission Meetings – Register Now!

The ORSANCO Technical Committee and Commission meetings will be hosted both online and in-person on June 11-13, 2024. Anyone interested in participating online must register by October 7th, 2024. Please…

Jun 28, 2016 17:06

Commission Activities

…Technical Committee typically holds its regular meeting prior to each Commission Meeting. Both of these meetings are open to the public. Upcoming Technical Committee and Commission Meetings dates: October 2024

Jul 12, 2016 19:44


…data is compiled to produce a report showing the minimum, maximum and average of the acquired D.O. and temperature readings. ORSANCO has also deployed Hydrolabs at three locations: Newburgh, J.T….

Jul 12, 2016 19:44

Dissolved Oxygen

…data is compiled in-house to produce a report showing the minimum, maximum and average of the acquired D.O. and temperature readings. ORSANCO has also deployed Hydrolabs at three locations: Newburgh,…

Dec 04, 2017 17:39

Apply for Open Position

Jun 27, 2024 10:41

ORBA Call for Proposals

ORBA Summit 2024: Call For Proposals Now Open! The Ohio River Basin Alliance is hosting the ORBA Summit at the University of Pittsburgh from October 30, 2024-November 1, 2024. The…

Jul 25, 2023 19:38

Publication: The State Of The Ohio River 2023

A Report of the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission: https://www.orsanco.org/library/the-state-of-the-ohio-river-2023/  …