J. A. Thomas, E. B. Emery and F. H. McCormick. 2005. Detection of temporal trends in Ohio River fish assemblages based on lockchamber surveys (1957-2001). Pages 431-449 in J. N. Rinne, R.M. Hughes, and B. Calamusso, editors. Historical changes in large river fish assemblages of the Americas. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 45, Bethesda, Maryland.

J. A. Thomas, E. B. Emery and F. H. McCormick. 2005. Detection of temporal trends in Ohio River fish assemblages based on lockchamber surveys (1957-2001). Pages 431-449 in J. N. Rinne, R.M. Hughes, and B. Calamusso, editors. Historical changes in large river fish assemblages of the Americas. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 45, Bethesda, Maryland.


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